
Update a Time Off Record

PATCH- /v2/companies/<company_id>/people/<person_id>/time-off/<time_off_Id>


Because this endpoint is PATCH, none of these are required.

PropertyData TypeDescription
start_dayMM/DD/YY date stringEx: 10/23/23

This date represents the start date of the time off. Start day of a repeating time off record cannot be updated.
end_dayMM/DD/YY date stringEx: 10/23/23

This date represents the end date of the time off. The end day cannot be before the start_day. The end day of a repeating time off record cannot be updated.
apply_to_saturdayBooleanDenotes whether or not the time off applies to Saturdays.
apply_to_sundayBooleanDenotes whether or not the time off applies to Sundays.
is_paidBooleanDenotes whether or not the time off is paid.
reasonStringReason for the time off.
batch_start_timeStringEx: 7:30 AM

Time format needs to be structured as "HH:MM am/pm". Leading 0 on single digit hours is not needed. For minutes, only 15 minute increments are currently used by our scheduling system and thus, all we allow here. If you provide something other than a 15 minute increment, it will be rounded.
batch_end_timeStringEx: 3:30 PM

Time format needs to be structured as "HH:MM am/pm". Leading 0 on single digit hours is not needed. For minutes, only 15 minute increments are currently used by our scheduling system and thus, all we allow here. If you provide something other than a 15 minute increment, it will be rounded

Request Body

Update Time Off Request Body

    "apply_to_saturday": false,
    "apply_to_sunday": false,
    "batch_end_time": "3:30 PM",
    "batch_start_time": "7:00 AM",
    "is_paid": true,
    "reason": "medical",
    "start_day": "12/1/23",
    "end_day": "12/1/23"


Successful Response

When new Time Off Is updated for the specified person you will get a returned copy of the resulting data.

    "data": {
        "apply_to_saturday": false,
        "apply_to_sunday": false,
        "batch_end_time": "3:30 PM",
        "batch_start_time": "7:00 AM",
        "cadence": null,
        "company_id": "a4592b47-42ae-478f-926d-e77a7f768059",
        "created_at": 1698076524847,
        "end_day": "12/01/23",
        "id": "709c3893-3724-421f-99f2-07328fbf6d1a",
        "instances": [
                "id": "9d8123bd-6708-4e1c-96dc-5e389b7ded58",
                "start_day": "12/01/23",
                "end_day": "12/01/23"
        "is_paid": true,
        "person_id": "81c63107-6843-4822-be42-a40b41e75285",
        "reason": "medical",
        "repeat_end_day": null,
        "repeat": "never",
        "start_day": "12/01/23"

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