
Create a Time Off for a Person

POST - /v2/companies/<company_id>/people/<person_id>/time-off

Required Properties

PropertyData TypeDescription
end_dayMM/DD/YY date stringEx: 10/23/23

This date represents the end date of the time off. The end day cannot be before the start_day.
start_dayMM/DD/YY date stringEx: 10/23/23

This date represents the start date of the time off.
apply_to_saturdayBooleanDenotes whether or not the time off applies to Saturdays.
apply_to_sundayBooleanDenotes whether or not the time off applies to Sundays.
is_paidBooleanDenotes whether or not the time off is paid.
reasonStringReason for the time off.
repeatStringRepeat interval of the time off instances. Accepted values are never, weekly, monthly, and yearly.

When this field is weekly, monthly, or yearly, the Repeating Time Off fields detailed below are required.
batch_start_timeStringEx: 7:30 AM

Time format needs to be structured as "HH:MM am/pm". Leading 0 on single digit hours is not needed. For minutes, only 15 minute increments are currently used by our scheduling system and thus, all we allow here. If you provide something other than a 15 minute increment, it will be rounded.
batch_end_timeStringEx: 3:30 PM

Time format needs to be structured as "HH:MM am/pm". Leading 0 on single digit hours is not needed. For minutes, only 15 minute increments are currently used by our scheduling system and thus, all we allow here. If you provide something other than a 15 minute increment, it will be rounded.

Repeating Time Off

Time off instances can be created as repeating time off. For example, an assignable resource needs to take each Friday off in a particular month. In this case, the time off can be created in a single request by providing just a couple more fields in the request body. (Note: These fields are required if the repeat is not never)

PropertyData TypeDescription
cadenceNumberThe cadence of the repeating time off.

For example, if the repeat is weekly and cadence is 2, the time off will repeat every other week between the start_day and repeat_end_day.
repeat_end_dayDD/MM/YY Date StringEx: 10/23/23

The date the repeating time off ends.

Request Body

Weekly Repeating Time Off Request

    "apply_to_saturday": false,
    "apply_to_sunday": false,
    "batch_end_time": "3:30 PM",
    "batch_start_time": "7:00 AM",
    "cadence": 1,
    "end_day": "11/01/23",
    "is_paid": true,
    "reason": "medical",
    "repeat": "weekly",
    "repeat_end_day": "12/01/23",
    "start_day": "11/01/23"


Successful Response

When new Time Off Is created for the specified person, you will get a returned copy of the resulting data.

    "data": {
        "apply_to_saturday": false,
        "apply_to_sunday": false,
        "batch_end_time": "3:30 PM",
        "batch_start_time": "7:00 AM",
        "cadence": 1,
        "company_id": "a4592b47-42ae-478f-926d-e77a7f768059",
        "created_at": 1698073015447,
        "end_day": "11/29/23",
        "id": "7263bc0c-68d5-4944-892f-72c770702cc6",
        "instances": [
                "id": "e52d54b4-1e61-4324-850d-cf8e62ac201c",
                "start_day": "11/01/23",
                "end_day": "11/01/23"
                "id": "7d2a2e56-e028-458c-b802-99c09211e45d",
                "start_day": "11/08/23",
                "end_day": "11/08/23"
                "id": "f30ece8e-3ca4-4595-8c36-bbfc76caf789",
                "start_day": "11/15/23",
                "end_day": "11/15/23"
                "id": "2e3de0fd-19e9-4b6d-af14-726f01d0683f",
                "start_day": "11/22/23",
                "end_day": "11/22/23"
                "id": "c6ada4dd-27eb-4b4a-9b70-e229c994f6d3",
                "start_day": "11/29/23",
                "end_day": "11/29/23"
        "is_paid": true,
        "person_id": "81c63107-6843-4822-be42-a40b41e75285",
        "reason": "medical",
        "repeat_end_day": "12/01/23",
        "repeat": "weekly",
        "start_day": "11/01/23"

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