
Update Tag

POST - /v2/companies/<company_id>/tags/<tag_id>


Valid Update Properties

All properties outlined in the Tags - Create page are valid properties to send across the Tag update endpoint except those listed below for which there are additional endpoints. It is only necessary to send key/val pairs for properties that are being updated. No need to send values for properties that aren't being changed.

Properties with special endpoints:


Successful Response

Upon successfully updating a Tag you will receive back an entire copy of the update Tag object.

  "id": "3f447732-33ec-4b8e-a5d0-6462c12e18e6",
  "name": "Google Certification",
  "group_ids": [],
  "globally_accessible": true,
  "abbreviation": "GOOGl",
  "require_expr_date": true,
  "expr_days_warning": 30,
  "color": "#53A9FF",
  "categories": []

Make Tag available to Group

POST - /v2/companies/<company_id>/tags/<tag_id>/groups

To make a Tag available to a Group it was not previously, hit the above endpoint with a POST body specifying the new Group ID you would like added.

{"group_id": "ea8fac53-e05f-49bc-a630-dd0c7739570b"}


Successful Response

After successfully making a Tag available to a new Group, you will receive back an array of all the Group IDs the Tag is now available to as confirmation.

  "group_ids": [

Remove Tag from being available to Group

DELETE - /v2/companies/<company_id>/tags/<tag_id>/groups/<group_id>


Successful Response

After successfully removing a Tag from being available to a Group, you will receive back an array of all the Group IDs the Tag is now available to as confirmation.

  "group_ids": [

What’s Next