
Create a Resource Request on a Project

POST - /v2/companies/<company_id>/projects/<project_id>/resource-requests

Required Properties

PropertyData TypeDescription
start_dayISO 8601 date stringThis date represents the first day the requested resource is needed. *Note this will be evaluated on the timezone offset specified in the string.
end_dayISO 8601 date stringThis date represents the last day the requested resource is needed. *Note this will be evaluated on the timezone offset specified in the string.

Start/End Time vs. Percent Allocation

Resource requests can be made based on work hours or a percent allocation. To successfully create a resource request, you will need to specify one either a start_time and end_time, or a percent_allocated.

PropertyData TypeDescription
start_timeStringEx: 7:30 am

Time format needs to be structured as "HH:MM am/pm". Leading 0 on single digit hours is not needed. For minutes, only 15 minute increments are currently used by our scheduling system and thus, all we allow here. If you provide something other than a 15 minute increment, it will be rounded.
end_timeStringEx: 3:30 pm

Time format needs to be structured as "HH:MM am/pm". Leading 0 on single digit hours is not needed. For minutes, only 15 minute increments are currently used by our scheduling system and thus, all we allow here. If you provide something other than a 15 minute increment, it will be rounded.
percent_allocatedNumberIf the request is not hour-based, but rather percent-based, you can specify a value from 0 to 100 for this property to indicate the allocation percentage.

Optional Properties

PropertyData TypeDescription
quantityNumberThis property specifies how many resource requests with the provided details you would like to make. If this value is not set, it defaults to 1 per call.
job_title_idUUIDProvide a Job Title UUID to specify that this request is for that Job Title.
category_idUUIDTo designate this request to a specific Project Category, provide that Category's UUID.
subcategory_idUUIDTo designate this request to a specific Project Subcategory, provide that Subcategory's UUID.
state_idUUIDTo flag a Request with an Assignment State, provide the UUID of the Assignment State.
work_scope_textStringThis content will be provided as the "Scope of Work" on the Resource Request and included in any resulting Assignment Alert.
instruction_textStringThis content will be provided as the "Instructions" on the Resource Request and included in any resulting Assignment Alert.
tag_idsArray of UUIDsThis is an Array of UUIDs that represent Tags from the settings portion of your web application.
work_daysObjectThis property allows you to control the working days for the request. Sunday - Saturday is represented by a 0-6 weekday index.

The JSON Object {"0": false, "1": true, "2": true, "3": true, "4": true, "5": true, "6": false} represents the default where Monday - Friday are active work days.


Successful Response

When a new Resource Request is successfully added to the project, you will get a returned copy of the resulting data.

  "creator_id": null,
  "end_day": "6/19/20",
  "id": "012e9b89-2c7c-420b-a08a-d0e94a63e0a8",
  "start_time": "7:30 am",
  "end_time": "3:30 pm",
  "project_id": "479b6fe1-fc3e-49f3-9898-544e68bcc191",
  "start_day": "6/11/20",
  "state_id": null,
  "work_days": {
    "0": false,
    "1": true,
    "2": true,
    "3": true,
    "4": true,
    "5": false,
    "6": false
  "job_title_id": "8f134c16-dee8-45f9-b622-be344d19304d",
  "category_id": "f34e8fe3-4c3b-4abb-b1f6-c1cd956ba2f5",
  "subcategory_id": "1b787e24-d67a-4042-8499-cb96b3b7ab37",
  "work_scope_text": "An example scope",
  "instruction_text": "Some items to do"